About Us
English and Spanish Church
There are two groups of worshipers here: the Spanish group; and the English group. We all worship at the same time but in different rooms.
What to Expect
I've found that visiting other churches for the first time often feels a bit strange, so I know the feeling. Let me assure you, you will leave with a good feeling and you will be glad you came.
There are two parking lots to choose from, and street parking is available also. The parking spaces right next to the church are for the handicapped. Parking in the next parking lot above the church is open.
Church Entrance
Use the side door next to the parking lot. The main entrance is locked most of the time because people who have been partying late Friday night seem to walk in and cause problems.
Come as you are, be comfortable when you worship. Some members like to dress up when they come to church; we let them do that, but you don't have to.
There will be greeters close to the door; they can answer any question you may have and give you a bulletin that itemizes the activities for that day.
Children Friendly
There are several classes for children depending on their age. That leaves you free to attend the first two sections of the worship service without having to be mindful of children.
First Section of Worship
We call it Sabbath School. Sabbath School is the time when the laymen of the church have a short twenty-minute presentation which usually includes singing, a mission story, remarks, and prayer.
Second Section of Worship
At this time, we study the Bible. Study plans are prepared and distributed in advance, so everyone heads up about the topic. We discuss the Bible topic until 10:30 AM, and then we take a break.
Third Section of Worship
Church service starts at 11:00 AM. Our service is a bit homespun, nothing too pompous or ritualistic. Our typical services consist of singing, prayer, announcements, praise, prayer requests, special music, a sermon, prayer, and dismissal.
We regularly have scheduled potlucks. Most of us are vegetarians and prepare delicious healthy dishes.
Some History
Al Capone once owned our little church building, and yes, it has a secret passage, one of Capone's favorite things. Capone bought an airplane hanger from the Palm Springs airport and moved to its present location. He set it up as a rec hall, but who knows what else happened there. Then the building was used as a theater until a fire put a stop to it. The building sat vacant for a while before it caught the eye of a land developer who liked to work as hard as he preached. Soon a group of retired snowbirds got together and bought the building and remodeled it into a church.
Please come join us in worship our Savior Jesus Christ. We would love to get to know you.
About Seventh-day Adventists
The Seventh-day Adventist Church is a unique Protestant church with approximately 22 million members worldwide, including more than one million members in North America. The Seventh-day Adventist Church seeks to enhance quality of life for people everywhere and to let people know that Jesus is coming again soon.
Adventists believe a Trinity of three persons—the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit—make up one God. They made salvation possible when Jesus, the Son, came to earth as a baby in Bethlehem and lived a sinless life in accordance with the Father's will. When Jesus was crucified for the sins of the people of the world and arose from the dead on the third day, victory was won for everyone.
When He returned to heaven following the resurrection, Jesus left the Holy Spirit to serve as our Comforter and Counselor. He promised to return to earth a second time to complete His plan of salvation and take His people to heaven. Adventists are among the believers who look forward to that day.
Adventists believe that God is concerned with the quality of human life, and that everything—the way we live, eat, speak, think, treat each other, and care for the world around us—is part of His plan. Our families, our children, our jobs, our talents, our money, and our time are all important to Him.